The Office of the Privacy Commissioner engages with its international counterparts to enhance Bermuda's reputation as a regulatory leader and to ensure that its guidance and actions are consistent with standards and best practices around the world.
Individuals benefit from this engagement because their privacy rights are interpreted according to the high standards of global consensus.
Organisations benefit because our guidance reflects consensus best practices and our regulatory actions become interoperable standards that suit multiple jurisdictions, promoting consistency and reducing compliance costs.
Working Groups & Committees
British, Irish and Islands Data Protection Authorities (BIIDPA) A regional network of privacy commissioners, BIIDPA meets annually with informal collaboration throughout the year. Member since January 2020
International Working Group on Data Protection in Technology (IWGDPT) Also known as the "Berlin Group," this group specializes in cutting edge technologies such as blockchain and facial recognition. Member since February 2020.
Global Privacy Assembly This forum of over 130 global privacy regulators enables these authorities to fulfill their mandates, both individually and in concert, through diffusion of knowledge and supportive connections, in mechanisms such as an annual in-person assembly, working groups, and joint resolutions. Member since September 2020.
Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Bermuda is an Associate Member of this organisation to promote economic integration and cooperation throughout the Caribbean region. Our office has been a participant in Working Groups, including ICT4D, since October 2020.
Global Privacy Assembly’s Enforcement Cooperation Agreement The purpose of this Arrangement is to foster data protection compliance by organisations processing personal data across borders. It encourages and facilitates privacy commissioner cooperation with each other by sharing information, particularly confidential enforcement-related information about potential or ongoing investigations, and where appropriate, the Arrangement also coordinates participants’ enforcement activities to ensure that their scarce resources can be used as efficiently and effectively as possible. Participant since February 2023.
Digital Clearinghouse Project A project launched by the European Data Protection Supervisor, the Digital Clearinghouse works to create a platform facilitating cooperation, dialogue, and exchange of insights and best practices between regulatory authorities, policy makers, researchers, and other stakeholders. Member since January 2020.
The Common Thread Network (CTN) This group enables the sharing of experience, knowledge, and expertise across Commonwealth nations. Member since May 2020.
Asia Pacific Privacy Authorities (APPA) Forum The APPA Forum is the principal network for privacy and data protection authorities in the Asia Pacific region. Observer since June 2020
Council of Europe Convention 108+ Consultative Committee The C108+ Consultative Committee is responsible for interpreting the provisions of Convention 108, facilitating and improving its implementation. Observer since November 2020.
Global Privacy Enforcement Network Based upon the OECD’s Recommendation on Recommendation on Cross-border Cooperation in the Enforcement of Laws Protecting Privacy, that called for member countries to foster the establishment of an informal network of Privacy Enforcement Authorities, the Global Privacy Enforcement Network (GPEN) was established in March 2010. GPEN connects privacy enforcement authorities from around the world to promote and support cooperation in cross-border enforcement of laws protecting privacy. Member since February 2023