What do we mean when we talk about "privacy"? How is this different from "cybersecurity"? Why is privacy so important? And what does it mean organisations have to do?
Commissioner White has offered an introductory training session to a variety of organisations in the past year, covering the basic concepts around privacy and what the Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) requires.
Now, that training has been recorded and uploaded to our web site for anyone to watch on demand.
For convenience, the training is also available at the following link: "Privacy and PIPA" [47-min video] This video includes:
A high-level discussion of the definition of privacy, its historical development and its importance [Time-stamp: 0:00-15:07],
An explanation of PIPA's rights and obligations [Time-stamp: 15:07- 30:52],
A general description of the components of a privacy programme [Time-stamp 30:53-37:00], and
Cybersecurity tips from Deloitte Bermuda's Brett Henshilwood [Time-stamp: 37:00-46:37].
[Note: This video was a presentation to nonprofit and charitable organisations.]
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